Based on provincial supply and direction, the Grey Bruce Health Unit will be operating with a limited supply of Pfizer in the coming weeks.
Similar to other public health units across the province, the Grey Bruce Health Unit will only be providing doses of Moderna to those over the age of 30 years. Pfizer doses will be reserved for those in the younger age groups. ...
- by Cayley Routenburg-Brown
Winter is certain. Depending on your age, you might have a different relationship with it. Winter means a few things as a child. Snow days, hot chocolates, and Christmas. As an adult it means snow tires, white-knuckle driving, and shoveling. Winter in Grey County, however, is a little different. Driving through a blizzard in Grey County is the exact same as holding a piece of white printer paper in front of your face. This is what we like to call ...
As of January 1, 2022, the following wages are in place in Ontario:
In response to the rapidly spreading and highly transmissible Omicron variant, the Grey Bruce Health Unit echoes the provincial direction of the Ontario government, in consultation with the Chief Medical Officer of Health, and is updating its COVID-19 testing and isolation guidelines. Key changes include the following:
This is the first of our 2022 Owen Sound outdoor Scavenger Hunts, and we're giving you a head start! There are bonus points for photographs, or interesting details the judges (dedicated OwenSoundHub staffers and contributors) didn't know. We'll share all the answers and pictures with our readers.
1. Where are you not allowed to be before sunrise or after sundown in Owen Sound?
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