The Grey Bruce Health Unit along with Bluewater School Board would like to announce that the outbreak of COVID-19 associated with Holland Chatsworth Central School, in Holland Centre was declared over by Public Health on Monday, December 13, 2021.
An outbreak is declared when there is evidence of transmission from person to person within the school environment. Only 3 people acquired the virus within the school, and ...
- by Barbara A. Fletcher
Re: Letter to the Editor published in the Hanover Post, December 9th, signed "A group of seven dedicated Grey-Bruce healthcare workers" .
First, I will qualify myself:
I'm an EPSW (Enhanced Personal Support Worker), as well as a certified Joint Health and Safety Representative, Co-chairing on two committees and serving on a third. ...
In the long tradition of gathering recipes to celebrate anniversaries, The Ginger Press has assembled a community cookbook with memories and recipes from over 100 contributors in honour of its 40+ year history. With recipes ranging from Zach’s Jalapeño Poppers, to Rogan’s Porcupine Meat Balls, and Miss Macphail’s Cake, The Ginger Press Community Cookbook provides a wide range of traditional and contemporary recipes; most are ...
In 2020, the City of Owen Sound welcomed Aidan Ware as Director and Chief Curator of the Tom Thomson Art Gallery. For well over a year, the pandemic prevented a proper celebration. Finally, at a sold-out gala last week, Ms. Ware was able to make her "welcoming remarks", which are excerpted here.
"It’s important that we pause for a moment. To consider ...
- Hub staff
At tonight's Owen Sound city council meeting, Councillor John Tamming provided notice that he would be bringing forward the following motion at the first meeting in January. As no other member of council was pepared to second the motion, it will not be going forward.
The motion raises many of the issues that will be discussed January 7 at a special meeting of council concerning transit. ...
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