

What's on your mind?

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cerbHello Mr Ruff

I own a small business in Owen Sound, a home based hair salon. I've been in business since 2014.

I received the CERB payment for 3 months (March, April, May) while the government told me I had to close my doors. I was not allowed to work. I am now being told I owe all of that $6000 back ...

firefightersIn the Dec. 2 Sun Times article covering the Municipality of Meaford’s deferral of the sale of their 25% equity interest in the Intertownship Fire Department, no reference was made to the primary reason why 6 Council members voted in favour of taking more time to ensure that the interests of those most impacted ...

treeexpertsI’m curious if anyone else running a business has had so many issues with competitors? It seems as though as soon as Great Lakes Tree Experts
came onto the scene, it’s been non stop.

I’m sure you’ve seen some posts about stolen signs, trashed signs, posters being stolen out of stores. I’ve heard of other companies ...

laptopThere is Only One Tax Payer

Often I have heard this statement from many of my more-conservative friends. And I agree with it. In our province, we citizens are asked to support many projects that directly benefit us. We are also asked to support many projects that don’t: people that don’t drive still have their tax-dollars go to the roads, supporting those who do; those of us fortunate enough to ...

sand duneIn response to the shocking report tabled before the Council of The Town of South Bruce Peninsula (TSBP), on November 17, 2020 (Report No: PWSO-2020), I challenge the report’s raison d’être, and its short and long term impact on the dunes that separate the open beach from Lakeview Boulevard.

Undue haste and lack of information have been exercised by the ...


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