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badapplesI am a street nurse.  My first day on the job, I got called by a community member to the corner near where I work. A homeless Black woman had been sitting in a bus shelter, minding her business. She was approached by police, she was not aggressive; they escalated the situation and ended up pushing her so hard she smashed her head on the glass of the bus shelter and was bleeding profusely from her skull. She then proceeded to have a seizure on the sidewalk.

During her seizure, the police officers involved cuffed her. . .

stonyorchardviewEditor: Re: Potential sale of 1.3 acres for 16 lots at the south end of Stoney Orchard Park.

First of all, Stoney Orchard Park begins on the north side of unopened 23rd St. East. Timber McArthur Park, farther south, ends at the unopened extension of 21st St. In 1992 when the new park land was purchased,

black lives matter 1011597 640When we hear or see the words "Black Lives Matter" and respond with "All Lives Matter", we have missed a call to recognize and support the struggles faced by members of the black community at this time. We all can speak up and demand action so our black brothers and sisters can live without fear and go about their lives confidently and safely. To say. . .

racecovidIn the fourth month of the time of COVID, in Louisville Kentucky, Breonna Taylor was shot by police as she lay sleeping. Her boyfriend was wakened by the ruckus of police busting down their door looking for drugs. He thought it was a home invasion and fired a bullet into a policeman’s leg. That triggered the hail of bullets that killed Ms Taylor.

Trouble was, the cops were 10 miles off target. . .

francoontariennedrapeauToday I experienced prejudice while speaking French at a national chain store in Owen Sound. It was such a fraction of what I imagine a POC experiences every day that it’s hardly worth mentioning, but it made me realize that if a white, privileged woman such as myself can experience ignorance, I wonder what life is like for the George Floyds of this world.

I was speaking to. . .


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