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tight moneyI heard a fellow say, regarding the teacher’s strike, “What can you do? Ford promised to reduce the deficit. We have to cut somewhere.” Actually you don’t! You can increase revenue. Give the teachers the extra one percent but then tax it back. Of course other people with similar incomes would also...

educationDear Editor,

It has been my observation that the media frequently neglects to mention support staff in coverage of the current education labour dispute, and I would like to rectify this ongoing omission for you and your readers.

The Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation represents the entire...

capecrokerboys1916Re: Rule of Law is not singular, Feb 13, 2020

The world wars and other wars we volunteered to fight in. Also the war of 1812 we allied with the British to fight against the 13 colonies who had broken away from the kingdoms of Europe and England.

The Residential School system our children were . . .

ruleoflawBattle lines are drawn, again, between First Nations and Canadians. On one side the police; on the other First Nations’ protestors. On one side politicians and outraged editorials in the papers; on the other, First Nations’ leaders trying to explain to reporters that ‘we have a different understanding.’

The thing about the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples is. . .

earth climateTry to follow this:

Dec 2 Owen Sound City Council directs staff to prepare a report to address climate change.

Jan 13 Staff report to deal with climate change...


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