


between our steps 03 11 20 double
I like paper maps. I like being able to see the whole picture. Before a road trip, I will unfold the map on a counter or table and get a good look at the whole journey. Then, I fold it incorrectly so that the first part of the journey, or the part that I ...

swan- by John Dickson, OSFN Programming

There are many Nature related activities - for humans, that is - lined up over the next while. Here are some which may be of interest to you and/or your entire family:
This Thursday March 12, the Owen Sound Field Naturalists (OSFN) host their Members' Night, featuring as many as seven brief presentations as...

womencanning- by Laura Buckler

Scrolling through all the Monday morning memes filled with willowy blonde girls complete with long wavy hair and scrunchy hat telling me to live my best life! Don't settle for less! Be a warrior goddess and take over the world!

Make ALL the big life changes as if it's all as simple as throwing out expired yogurt from the fridge. . .

ymca kidThe YMCA of Owen Sound Grey Bruce (OSGB) has launched its annual Strong Kids fundraising campaign in support of membership assistance for families and individuals in Grey and Bruce Counties.

As part of the 2020 Strong Kids Campaign, YMCA Board President and Partner at Baker Tilly, Gwynne Potter, has launched a...

cloverThe Owen Sound Knights of Columbus is hosting St. Patrick’s Day Shenanigans. 

Sunday, March 15th at 5:00 pm, at the Columbus Centre. 770 6th Street East, Owen...


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