


verns- by Steve Briggs

In the early 1970s, Tim Horton and business partner Ron Joyce strolled into Vern’s doughnut shop on 3rd Ave. E. in Owen Sound and spotted small round doughnuts at the counter.

Curious, the pair chatted with owner Vern Barber who revealed. . .

between our steps 11 28 18 double"
Take care of yourself," people say when someone describes the heavy care-giving role they've taken on. "You have to look after yourself to be ...

lifegaurdsOn Sunday October 27 the Owen Sound Family Y held their Lifeguard training and we took this photo with all the guards in full uniform.  This kicks off their start to the Together 2022 movement to get the red/yellow lifeguard uniform universally recognized.

“Firefighters and police officers are rightfully perceived as selfless public servants and Heroes.  This is because they are focused on public safety with noble qualities and require courage in the face of danger.  The work of a Lifeguard . . .

between our steps 10 23 19 double
I have a story to share. I learned it from Margaret Silf's book One hundred Wisdom Stories from Around the ...

eagles crunchWhat better way to celebrate the Fall harvest than with a big juicy apple! On Tuesday, October 22, at the Home of the Eagles, we did ...


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