


elsies-feature-by Anne Finlay-Stewart

A piece of Canadian art, with a retro-pop twist, could be yours. And all for a good cause.

The Owen Sound Community Fund is pleased to offer a chance to win a framed numbered print by Canadian artist Carl Beam as a fundraiser this summer and fall.
All proceeds, along with donations and bequests to the Owen Sound Fund, are invested in a pool of funds under the umbrella of the Community Foundation Grey Bruce. The income earned from the capital of the Fund is distributed through grants to applicable not-for-profit organizations within Owen Sound.

Virginia Eichhorn, Director and Chief Curator of the Tom Thomson Art Gallery, knew Carl beam well and curated over a dozen of his exhibitions. She was pleased to help introduce the artist with these words,

Cathy-Hird-compassionBy Cathy Hird
"We can reject everything else: religion, ideology, all received wisdom. But we cannot escape the necessity of love and compassion. This, then, is my true religion, my simple faith." Dalai Lama XIV

Compassion is an essential concept in Buddhism so it is not surprising how often the idea appears in the work of teachers like the Dalai Lama and Thich Nhat Hanh. It is not the form of love most discussed in western thought, however. So what does

cityband-featureThe Owen Sound City Band is 95 years old this year, and they are holding their annual family picnic at Harrison Park Picnic Shelter, Monday July 20, 2015. Current and former Band members - of whom there must be quite a few after 95 years - and their families are invited to gather to reminisce from 2:30PM on, with a potluck dinner and barbecue starting at 5PM.

This year the family picnic is also being shared with the MS Society, Bruce Grey Chapter, welcoming volunteers, friends and family of those living with Multiple Sclerosis.
RSVP to 519-373-3696

Also on hand will be face painting and mini-reflexology treatments available..... fun and caring for the entire family. In respect of the environment, people are encouraged to bring their own dishes, utensils, etc., however, there will be some on hand as well.

Even if you are not a member of one of these groups you should still come down to the park on Monday for the regular Monday City Band Concert starting at 7:30PM at the Harrison Park Bandshell.

weeds-reg-by Cathy Hird

Walking down the street in Owen Sound, I have to be careful about weeding other people's gardens. At home, I will pull ragweed or lambs quarters even when I'm just going for a walk. In town, people might appreciate it if I pulled these weeds out of their garden, but I noticed that several people left golden rod to bloom by their house as if they consider it a flower. It is possible that the homeowner likes the silver-grey colour of the lambs-quarters and let it grow on purpose.

I used to consider mullein a weed--that tall plant with velvety leaves and a spike of yellow flower. I knew a soy bean farmer who called the plant velvet leaf and studiously removed it from their fields. But a few years ago, I visited the garden of a friend, and I realized...

picnic-together-feat-by Jon Farmer

When we were kids my neighbours and I spent a lot of time in the park around the corner. We scrambled over the climbers and swings, ran up and down the slides, and learned how to throw Frisbees barefoot in the grass. Monkey bars aside, it was literally the place to hangout.

I moved back to my old neighbourhood as a twenty-something earlier this year. Now I pass the park everyday on my way to work. When summer arrived...


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