


entrepreneurIt's well known mentorship accelerates small and medium-sized businesses and now it's available locally to Grey Bruce entrepreneurs.

In partnership with Grey County and the Grey County Business Enterprise Centre (BEC), Catapult Grey Bruce is piloting a formal mentorship program to ...

covidtest26 new cases reported in the past 24 hours in Grey Bruce; Southgate, Grey Highlands - 2, Arran Elderslie, Owen Sound, Meaford

· 344 confirmed cases to date (current cumulative total) ...

selwynhicksDistinguished guests, former Wardens, fellow County Councillors, family, friends, staff and members of the media. I am truly humbled to be in this position again and to have the confidence of my colleagues. I will do everything in my power to bring honour to your decision to elect me as your Warden for a second time.

selwynhicksGrey County Councillor Selwyn Hicks is returning to the Warden’s chair in 2021. Warden Hicks, who served previously as Warden in 2019, was elected by County Council at the virtual inaugural meeting on December 1. Paul McQueen, Grey County’s 2020 Warden, also ran for the position.

In his inaugural address, Warden Hicks spoke of the importance of helping vulnerable people, ...

covidtally2 new cases reported in past 24 hours in Grey Bruce; Kincardine, Chatsworth

· 338 confirmed cases to date (current cumulative total) ...


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