- by David Strutt
The bridge girders are now all closed in with forms covering the whole bridge superstructure. The bridge crews are building extensions on the sides of the bridge over the Sydenham River.
You will notice the big water main in blue is. . .
Provincially the school bus industry has been struggling with a school bus driver shortage for the past five or more years. The introduction of COVID-19, and the implications this has for the demographic of the average school bus driver. . .
“Donating to Labour’s historical partner, the United Way, has taken on even more meaning in the worldwide pandemic” says Grey Bruce Labour Council President, Kevin Smith.
“The Labour Council over the months of the pandemic has kept a constant eye on the needs of the most vulnerable in our community. In consultation the United Way of Bruce Grey we found a way to help those very people. . .
As students head back to school next week, we encourage all motorists and pedestrians to keep road safety top-of-mind as traffic around schools and playgrounds increases.
Crossing Guards will be at their posts and will be wearing masks this year. Remember to thank them and...
In August, the unemployment rate for the Stratford-Bruce Peninsula Economic Region increased by 0.1 percentage point to 8.7%. At the same time, the provincial unemployment rate decreased by 0.7 percentage points...
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