


budgetingThe Bruce-Grey Catholic District School Board approved a balanced and compliant budget for the 2020-2021 school year at a Special Meeting of the Board on July 29, 2020.

The theme for our 2020-2021 fiscal year is Empowerment, Impact and Unleashing our Extraordinary. A theme that encourages faith, reflection, reconnection...

PPE BPBruce Power is joining companies across the country in support of The POST Promise, an initiative endorsed by the Government of Canada that’s focused on creating a collective solution to help Canadians safely begin their journey back into the community during the COVID-19...

united way logoUnited Way Bruce Grey recently accepted funding applications for the Emergency Community Support Fund (ECSF). The fund provided financial support to charities and other qualified donees to adapt their frontline services to support vulnerable Canadians during the...

owen sound transit buildingThe Grey Bruce Health Unit is providing free face coverings to Owen Sound transit riders who are unable to access a face mask. A supply of masks have been provided to the city for distribution. Masks will be made available to riders by the transit drivers, upon...

GB OHT logoThe Grey-Bruce Ontario Health Team (GB OHT) has been formally invited to move into the next phase of becoming an official Ontario Health Team. Early last week, the government announced their continued commitment to advance the model...


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