


kids exerciseIn response to facilities closures across the country, in collaboration with YMCAs across the country, the YMCA of Owen Sound Grey Bruce launched YMCA at Home as a free virtual YMCA, connecting people to fitness classes, children’s programs and personal wellness...

recovery centres hanover kincardineTwo Community Recovery Centres are set up, one at the Davidson Centre in Kincardine and the second at the P&H Centre in Hanover. These centres are on stand-by and will only be operational as required. If warranted, a third site may be established at a place to be determined by local needs. The centres are designed to lessen the burden...

recovery centresTesting and case counts reported as of 15:30 hrs, April 22, 2020:

· 2 new cases reported in past 24 hours in Grey Bruce...

closed signToday, Four County Labour Market Planning Board, in partnership with six other workforce planning boards that are part of Workforce Planning West, released their COVID-19 Worker Impact Survey Results to help inform the ongoing development of responsive employment-related initiatives. The survey collected 2,330 responses...

face maskBruce Power announced today that it will have provided over 100 front-line organizations and Ontario’s Ministry of Health and Ministry of Long Term Care with 1.2 million pieces of personal protective equipment (PPE) as part of the fight against COVID-19. This represents the largest announced private-sector...


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