On Tuesday September 21st, 2021, at approximately 4:00 p.m. an intoxicated female was observed inside the LCBO store located at 1613 9th Avenue East, Owen Sound, which drew the attention of several staff members. The woman browsed around inside the store before eventually leaving the premise and entering the drivers seat of her vehicle parked in the lot. ...
Over the last few weeks, the Grey Bruce Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) have been receiving voice mails from members of the public trying to report occurrences that ...
On the morning of August 28th 2021, officers of the Owen Sound Police Service were alerted to a car vs. pedestrian collision, in which the driver of the vehicle failed to stop. The collision occurred at the intersection of 10th Street East and 2nd Avenue East at approximately 10:30am.
The pedestrian, who was crossing against traffic, was struck by ....
The Grey Bruce OPP have laid charges following a fail to remain collision on Grey Road 1 in the Township of Georgian Bluffs.
On August 26, 2021, Grey Bruce OPP arrested and charged Jean DAVIDSON, 79-year-of-age, from Georgian ...
The West Grey Police Services Board will be conducting a Community Survey during the month of September. The comments received will assist in the development of the West Grey Police Service business plan that will guide the Service to 2023.
“Citizen input is an important component in this process and we want to make it easy to participate,”
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