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From: paul patille <ppatille@rogers.com<mailto:ppatille@rogers.com>>
Sent: August-15-18 4:06 PM
To: Ritchie, Wayne <
Subject: Fw: Mudtown Pub and Brewery

Hello Mr. Ritchie,

Let me introduce myself as a relative new citizen to the community, my name is Paul Patille, also a candidate for Deputy Mayor for the
City of Owen Sound.

I would like to take this opportunity to thanking the decision made by Council and the City for a refreshing first step vision for the Owen Sound harbour, with the re-development of a historical and unique CPR station to the newly opened Mudtown Pub and Brewery.
It is an exciting bold move and hopefully, the beginning of recapturing the life of a beautiful waterfront with amazing potential developments for future commercial and tourist attraction points.
Again, I congratulate the City on this project.

As a former Project Manager I'm interested in the cost analysis of estimated cost versus actual cost, per line item and variances, as set out in the Lease Agreement between Mudtown and the City of Owen Sound. (Schedule "F")
At this time I would like to request and receive from the City a list of invited Contractors/Bidders and their tender submission as set out by the City, for specified work and paid for by the City for the project.

Also, requesting per line item on specified work by Mudtown with actual amounts paid and contributed by the City of Owen Sound (i.e. kitchen ducting, etc) as set out in the Lease Agreement.

I would also be interested in obtaining any soft costs related to this project such as surveys, soil tests, environmental reports, etc. that may be related to this project which is not accounted for in Schedule "F".

The last item is related to property taxes. Under "Rent", in the Lease, Paragraph (4), Clause (a), (ii) stipulates, "property taxes and rates, duties and assessment (where applicable). Can this be addressed as to how much and who pays?

I hope to believe, this project is not a one-of, but the beginning of a prosperous  waterfront development from the inner harbour to the proposed revitalization of the mouth of the Sydenham River.

I look forward to the information requested and thanking you in advance.

Best Regards,

Paul Patille


Mr. Patille:

Thanks for your email and I agree with your thoughts on the transformation of the former CP Station into Mudtown Station.

Questions asked by any candidate are answered, and the answers are passed onto the Clerk who will provide them to all candidates.  You will be receiving information from the Clerk during the election period on questions from other candidates.

Your questions for the most part will be answered by Kate Allan the Director of Corporate Services.  The level of detail that you have asked may be more than she can provide but she will get back to you as soon as she has the information.


Wayne Ritchie
City Manager
519-376-4440 Ext. 1210

From: paul patille [mailto:ppatille@rogers.com]
Sent: August 15, 2018 5:04 PM
To: Ritchie, Wayne <writchie@owensound.ca<mailto:writchie@owensound.ca>>
Cc: Allan, Kate <
kallan@owensound.ca<mailto:kallan@owensound.ca>>; Bloomfield, Briana <bbloomfield@owensound.ca<mailto:bbloomfield@owensound.ca>>
Subject: Re: Mudtown Pub and Brewery

Mr. Ritchie,
I greatly appreciate the response and look forward to the information that will be provided by Kate Allan.
Paul Patille

On Thursday, August 16, 2018 1:42 PM, "Allan, Kate" <kallan@owensound.ca<mailto:kallan@owensound.ca>> wrote:


Good Afternoon Paul,

I’ll aim to answer your questions in order:

1.        I am attaching “copy of Schedule F” which details the total costs paid by the City in the second last column.  Total to date is $532,186.  Please note that this project is still open and final costs are still expected.  Also a final reconciliation has not been completed and as such this is very much a DRAFT document.  Also note that I am not aware of any actual costs for Mudtown that were their own responsibility.
2.      I am attaching the RFP and submission summary for the “outside” work.  I am also attaching the approval to single source to JALand for contract work related to building mechanical and professional services in order to facilitate warrantee considerations, preventative maintenance and contract continuity with work already contracted by Mudtown.  Amounts paid for by Mudtown for their leasehold improvements are not bound by our purchasing policy.
3.      Soft costs are included in “copy of schedule F”
4.      Property Taxes are paid for by the tenant and are subject to HST as they are considered to be additional rent per CRA.

Please let me know if you need further information.


Kate Allan, CPA, CA
Director of Corporate Services

On Sep 16, 2018, at 05:34, paul patille <ppatille@rogers.com<mailto:ppatille@rogers.com>> wrote:

Hi Kate,

This is a follow up on the last email.

I trust that all costs are now final for the Mudtown project.
If so, is it possible to obtain all final costs as committed by the City to complete their portion of the work as outlined on Schedule "F", and do we now have all final costs and invoices for work done by Mudtown and contributed by the City based on actual costs as outlined on Schedule "F".

The question on soft cost would be reference to such items as survey, environmental studies,
drawing preparation, engineering and consultation etc. I did not see it itemized on Schedule "F".
So the question is, who was responsible for these costs? Was it the City, Mudtown or was it shared?
What was the total soft cost?

Finally, is there an opportunity to obtain a PDF file of all drawings for this project.

At your convenience I look forward to receiving this information.

Thanking you in advance,
Paul Patille




On Sunday, September 16, 2018 6:38 AM, "Ritchie, Wayne" <writchie@owensound.ca> wrote:


Hold off on this for now.  This is beginning to get a witch hunt smell to it. W

Sent from my iPad


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