Charmaine Jenner (Tauchkwe), a self-taught Woodland Style artist from Neyaashiinigmiing, has been selected to have one of her paintings installed as a piece of public art as a community-funded symbol of reconciliation efforts.
The project grew from conversations among a group of neighbours in the village of Oxenden at a summer picnic intended to celebrate Canada’s 150, where they quickly realized that if we are looking back at the early inhabitants of the village, the last 150 years is only ...
- by Anne Finlay-Stewart, Editor
There are two items on Monday's Owen Sound council agenda that beg the questions: how can the City – council and staff – look at an issue from many perspectives when making decisions and taking action? How should ...
By Jon Farmer
I’m grateful that my recent pieces generated so much engagement including a response from Councilor Tamming, whose question at council inspired the previous article. I take the councilor at his word when he invites a response. In particular I want to clarify his misinterpretation of my housing suggestion and highlight what I believe is the root of the difference in our perspectives.
The Owen Sound Police Service conducted a RIDE at the Ontario of Federation Snowmobile Clubs trail in the area of the Bayshore Community Centre. Two snowmobilers were stopped and a roadside demand was made. Both riders blew in the warn range which resulted in a 3-day suspension of their driver’s licence. The riders were further ...
The Hepworth Legion, also home of the Hepworth Country Music Auditorium and the Bruce Grey Music Hall of Fame, was destroyed in a fire Friday. Our media colleagues at the Sun Times and Bayshore Broadcasting have done an excellent job covering the fire that took 45 firefighters and a dozen fire trucks to extinguish with water from at least three communities. ...
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