Grey Bruce Public Health is providing these details with the hospitalization numbers: 17 Grey Bruce residents with confirmed active cases of Covid-19 are currently hospitalized due to COVID-19. 14 of those are hospitalized in Grey Bruce and 3 outside Grey Bruce. At this time, all cases in ICU are not fully vaccinated: that is, they are all individuals who have not had ...
The new GBHS hospital under construction in Markdale is expanding, even before it opens. The new hospital will now have eight inpatient beds, as opposed to the ...
The big news came with the publication on social media of the 2022 Owen Sound Salmon Spectacular poster. The giant annual fishing derby, now in its 34th ...
This science memoir that I am reading has started to annoy me. The word "I" appears way too much. There was a moment when I almost closed the ...
- by John Tamming
On March 29, 2021, Dr. Ian Arra, our regional Medical Officer of Health, attended before Owen Sound City Council. He was clearly furious that as a city councillor I had the temerity to publicly question both his $300,000 bonus and the large turnover of senior staff at the health unit. Dr. Arra ended his prepared remarks of half an hour with the open fantasy and wish that a city founder emerge from the grave and take a flamethrower to a certain city councillor’s seat.
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