


spikeOn May 15th, a newly minted regional poetry press is inviting the public to join the editors and a selection of local poets for an outdoor celebration of its first book project, Spike: Poems in the Time of Pestilence. Published in December of 2021 by Cannon’s Creek Poetry Press, Spike is an anthology of verse penned in response to the Covid pandemic, gathered over a six month period in 2021.

Co-editor Antony Christie explains, “The collection itself contains, of course, uncertainty, fear, and the mental toll of living with an invisible predator, with loneliness and irritation, with heartache and heartbreak. But it also explores resilience, a reawakening to the importance of love, family, words, and the touch of a hand on skin, consolation in nature and the changing seasons.”

Former Canadian Parliamentary Poet Laureate, George Elliott Clarke, says of the book: “News? It be history under Construction… Thus, ya need Spike: Poems in the Time of Pestilence, cos it’s the poets who get the era right, who set the mood.” Poet Norman Cristofoli adds, “This collection of poetry represents both suffering and salvation on a global scale, and the pain and brave endurance we have all personally shared.”

The book contains eighty poems gathered from forty poets (including numerous poets laureate) who reside in the general region of the Saugeen territories. The event, hosted by Claudia Strelocke, will take place from 2-4 PM under the picnic shelter in Harrison Park, Owen Sound. Contributing poets who will be reading from the book include: croc E moses, Richard-Yves Sitoski, Caroline Menzies, Harry Posner, Kintsugi, Lauren Best, Lorraine Campbell, Jodi VanDyk, Judy Lowry, Liz Zetlin and Day Merrill.

Spike is available for sale at Ginger Press Bookstore (Owen Sound), Booklore (Orangeville), and copies will be available for sale at the event. To order directly from the publisher, email

On May 15th join the editors and poets at Harrison Park to celebrate the power and beauty of poetry in challenging times.

source: media release


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