


felting workshopLooking for a new way to get that creative energy running again? Turn your mind to Felting a Portrait, someone important to you or perhaps a self portrait, at this day long workshop led by Monique Stewart. We'll meet at Heartwood Hall from 10am – 4:30pm. This session will focus on wet felting techniques and experiment more intensively with the use of pre-felt and other existing textiles.

Felted Portrait Workshop Sunday 25th March 2018

Heartwood Hall 939 2nd Avenue East, Owen Sound
$130 includes lunch and workshop materials. Cash only please.

The price includes a tasty lunch from a local restaurant and all workshop materials. The Heartwood Concert Hall beverage counter will be open for workshop participants. Space for this special event workshop is limited so tickets must be purchased in advance.

For more information: Monique at

source: media release


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