Local author, culture blogger, and college communications professor, Jesse Wilkinson, launched his first novel titled Europe, this past summer in Owen Sound and it is starting to receive positive reviews.
The story follows Caleb Arthur on a backpacking journey through Europe where he attempts to connect with his grandfather, who fought in WWII. Caleb learns about his grandfather's time in Europe, while also learning some hard lessons along the way. This book is a must read for anyone who enjoys the impulse of adventure.
"Jesse Wilkinson has poise, assurance and style." says Richard-Yves Sitoski, author of Downmarket Oldies FM Station Blues. "His debut novel, "Europe", is a penetrating look into the heart of a young man, Caleb Arthur, who discovers life in all its vicissitudes after doing what so many of us have done: backpacking across Europe in search of self. What he finds shakes him, and he is the better for it. Throughout, Wilkinson demonstrates a fine ear. The prose is tight, circumstances are judiciously described, and the overall unravelling of Caleb's composure and gradual awakening to his new normal are skillfully handled. I couldn't put it down."
Europe is available at the Ginger Press Bookshop and Café in Owen Sound for $19.95. It is also available at Jessica's Book Nook in Thornbury and on Amazon.com.
You can find Jesse Wilkinson on Goodreads.com.