


violinThe SweetWater Music Festival has arranged a unique opportunity for local students to interact and learn about music from two outstanding Canadian classical musicians on Tuesday, March 19. SweetWater Artistic Director and renowned violinist Mark Fewer along with clarinetist and Western music instructor Jana Starling will visit two Owen Sound Schools as well as conduct a session with Owen Sound Music for Youth.

A key SweetWater goal is to connect local youth with professional musicians from beyond the Grey Bruce area. In 2018, SweetWater arranged five school visits by visiting musicians as well as a session with Owen Sound Music for Youth.

Jana Starling, an accomplished musician who has performed worldwide including with the Phoenix Symphony Orchestra, will be working with music students at Owen Sound District Secondary School late morning and midday. The students will benefit from her experience as an Assistant Professor at the Don Wright Faculty of Music at Western University.

Mark Fewer will be giving some students at Alexandra Community School a sense of what being a professional musician is all about including performing a few pieces on his violin. Along with being the co-founder of SweetWater, Fewer has performed in some of the world’s greatest concert halls. The JUNO winners has also performed with orchestras worldwide and musicians like Stevie Wonder, Fewer has been a dedicated teacher for 20 years and currently is part of the music faculty at the University of Toronto.

Both sessions are not something local schools can typically arrange in-house due to available resources. SweetWater considers it essential to support music education wherever possible.

Early evening the two musicians will work with young musicians from Owen Sound Music for Youth. During the first half of the group’s rehearsal, Fewer will work with the string section and Starling will work with the woodwind/brass section. The two will team up at the end of evening as the players come together rehearse works for the upcoming spring concert.

In September, SweetWater will once again be arranging school visits by featured performers who will be in the area for SweetWater 2019.

SweetWater’s outreach education programs are supported in part by the Community Foundation Grey Bruce and Leflar Foundation.

source: media release, SweetWater Music Festival


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