Christy Stage Door Productions in partnership with The Roxy Theatre in Owen Sound is delighted to announce its Virtual Summer Theatre Camp for Kids with the theme THE SHOW MUST GO ONLINE. This brilliant new project will give children ages 7 to 15 a chance to rehearse and perform, not a musical, but a - ZOOMSICAL! Christy Taylor, the program’s director and co-producer, has established a sparkling reputation for creating some of the most inventive and entertaining youth theatre shows in Ontario, and The Show Must Go Online promises to be no exception.
The story line is simple but perfect for these times. The play opens with a frazzled drama teacher who has to break the devastating news to her students that because of the coronavirus lockdown, their theatre production, BRUSHES WITH GREATNESS: THE DENTAL HYGIENE MUSICAL has been cancelled. These students, however, refuse to accept this situation, and come up with the idea of everybody contributing videos of their performances and using Zoom to put the show together online.
The plot moves forward with ease, the script has lots of humour, and the well-crafted songs are a joy to sing. Will every child get a chance to strut her or his stuff? “Absolutely”, says director Christy Taylor, “ there are great parts for each child, and the work of every student will be featured.”
Not only is Christy an accomplished performer having spent 30 years on stages internationally including the Canadian company of Les Miserables, she also is a dedicated and gifted teacher. She is equally at home working with large cast scenes and one-on-one coaching. This is a great opportunity for the children, not only to have a whale of a time, but under Christy’s tutelage to learn about voice production, movement, choreography, and also to develop the life-skills of poise, confidence, and courage. “I love to watch the change in these kids’, says Christy Taylor, “Their capacity for learning, the joy they bring to the creative process never ceases to amaze me”.
Each week will consist of two full company rehearsals and private coaching sessions with both Christy and her assistant. On the final day of the camp, thirty minutes before the show goes live, the cast, in groups of 6-7 at a time, will attend a RED CARPET Introduction and Interview on Zoom. And then it’s Show Time with A PREMIERE LIVE VIRTUAL PERFORMANCE on August 21 which will feature the solo work of every student and culminate in the full cast singing a virtual choir version of the title – all through the magic of Zoom!
DATES: August 3-14
COST: $150
REGISTRATION and further information, please contact:
Robert More
Executive Director
Roxy Theatre
Work: 519-371-3425
Cell: 519-383-4320
source: media release, Roxy Theatre