


AlphaSteet 03Mar23 main

Alpha Street reconstruction – including a potential third uphill passing lane – is at the environmental assessment stage and the City of Owen Sound would like to know what you think of their plans.

An additional uphill lane and continuous sidewalk on the west side of the two-lane road are possibilities for the designated truck route, as are potential lanes for bike and active transportation – any human-powered movement, including walking, biking, unicycling, skateboarding, rollerblading.

The City's communication department shares:


The City of Owen Sound is advancing project-specific planning for the re-construction of Alpha Street in a comprehensive manner.

The existing road includes a 2-lane urban cross-section and a continuous sidewalk on the easterly side.

The basic intentions of the project are to improve the road surface and underground infrastructure and to support the City’s active transportation initiatives. 

The City is undertaking a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) in accordance with Phases 1 and 2 of the planning process to resolve an appropriate road cross-section which may include the following: 

  • Feature 1:  add a truck climbing lane
  • Feature 2:  add a sidewalk on the westerly side
  • Alternative 1:  add bike lane(s)
  • Alternative 2:  add an active transportation lane


Alpha Street Study Area

Public involvement is an important component of this project planning.

As part of Phase 1 of the EA process, a discretionary public meeting has been arranged to review the alternative cross-section elements being considered and receive comments.

The overall project direction will be subsequently confirmed, based on the feedback received regarding the various alternatives presented for the project.

The public meeting is planned to be held:

Date: Thursday, Mar. 16
Time:  Presentation to the Operations Committee at 5:30 p.m.
Location: Owen Sound City Hall council chambers

Written comments will be received by the study team until Friday, Mar. 31.

Contact information is provided below. With the exception of personal information, all comments will become part of the public record.      

City of Owen Sound
Mr. Chris Webb, P.Eng.
Tel: 519.376.4530 x3300

GM BluePlan Engineering Limited
Mr. John Slocombe, P.Eng.
Tel: 519.376.1805


source: media release, City of Owen Sound
photographs by Hub staff – David Galway


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