



- by Bob Hope

As a normal citizen, opportunities to change how our society deals with our “human remains” are far and few between; however in Owen Sound you will shortly have this opportunity. The city will review its 5 year plan for the City-owned cemetery on February 20, 4:30 at City Hall. For over 10 years I have been suggesting that our City include Natural Burial as a form of internment.

What is Natural Burial? Easy to Google it but Natural Burial in general terms is a method of placing a deceased body into the earth and allowing it to decompose naturally, with minimal environmental impact.

How do you cause a burial site and body to become part of the natural environment in the quickest period of time?  A body is prepared for Natural (Green) Burial without embalming and buried in a biodegradable shroud, simple container or casket made from natural fibre, wicker or sustainably harvested wood. This form of burial has been practiced since the dawn of human civilization.

 At the burial site, only indigenous plants are allowed to dominate the topsoil without pesticides or herbicides promoting a natural interaction of biology to occur. Individual head stones are not used.

So, what do you leave behind when it’s all said and done? You leave behind a newly created memorial ecosystem on its way of becoming permanent self-sustaining woodland.

 Cities across Canada are recognizing Natural Burial as an important option and a way of reflecting a more balanced relationship between humans and our planet earth.

At some point you will need to decide how you wish your body to be treated after death. I would like to know that a local Natural Burial option was available when my burial decisions are made.

 For anyone interested in advocating for Natural Burial in Owen Sound, there is a Cemetery Master Plan Review on Wed, Feb 20 at City Hall starting at 4 pm. If you can’t make the meeting but wish to support the position of adding Natural Burial to our Cemetery, you can email Adam Parsons, Manager of Parks

 For more information


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