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Several years ago, I sold my home to a new couple to Owen Sound. Approximately two years later, that couple sold the home to another party. I have not had any kind of financial interest in the home for some years now. I have, of course, retained friendships in my old neighbourhood, which is only good and natural.

I consider my former haunts to be a special place, as I suspect most former residents would think fondly upon their homes. I am entitled to maintain a strong interest in keeping such a neighborhood strong and resident friendly. Indeed, as a city councillor, I am so obliged. Presumably residents want councillors who care deeply about the very places where they raise kids and live their lives.

To suggest that such bonds of affection comprise conflicts of interest is, frankly, non-sensical.

The current owner of my old house has trumpeted on-line its pool, sauna and hot tub and its capacity for 16 guests and for functions of up to 25 people - for a cool two thousand a night. I consider the insertion of such commercial establishments in the heart of any neighborhood to be inimical to the very idea of communal life. Others may disagree and have every right to promote their opinions through our democratic process.

If this was proposed for Malibu Heights, the Harrison Park area, or any other single dwelling residential area , I would have precisely the same opinion.


AirBnbdroneDear Mayor and Council Members,

I hope you are all forwarded my letter as it is something that should be of concern to the whole Council as it exists in all parts of our community. It is the middle of the afternoon and I am watching my "new neighbour" as he labours to make his beautiful riverfront property into more of a party haven for up to 16 guests per night!

sydenhamriverlouiseI've just become aware that a large home on 4th St. West (Millionaire's Drive) has been purchased as a business venture by people from out of town. They are renting out the whole house at $1800 a night as an Airbnb, with no apparent plans to reside in the house themselves.

Our peaceful neighbourhood is peaceful no more. I live across the river, and even with all my doors and windows closed,

canadaflagshandsI am writing to comment on the matter of front row seating for sale at Owen Sound's annual Canada Day celebration.

Canada Day is a national celebration funded by the Federal (and Provincial and local)  Governments from revenues derived from the Canadian people. You will note, the celebration is for all Canadians. It is in its very essence an egalitarian event.

votesignontOntario’s election was a coronation by less than half of eligible voters. In fact, the Progressive Conservatives pulled off another majority with the blessings of 18% of the voting age population.

Doug Ford got out his vote, but Andrea didn’t, and Steven had no vote to get out. It’s not that there were no reasons to trade in Mr Ford in for … anyone really. His performance on the pandemic file was erratic, he paved ...


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