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I've just become aware that a large home on 4th St. West (Millionaire's Drive) has been purchased as a business venture by people from out of town. They are renting out the whole house at $1800 a night as an Airbnb, with no apparent plans to reside in the house themselves.

Our peaceful neighbourhood is peaceful no more. I live across the river, and even with all my doors and windows closed, I hear the hooting and hollering as the revellers party around the pool every night.

I don't understand how it is legal to run what is clearly a business, in a residential neighbourhood. It would be different if the owners lived in the house and could supervise their guests, but in this case, the whole house is occupied by large groups of vacationers who don't care about the peace of our quiet residential neighbourhood.

There is a petition being circulated by concerned citizens who are experiencing similar disruptive, noisy behavior. This situation not only affects the people currently near owner-unoccupied Airbnbs, but all the people who will potentially be affected if we don’t curtail these commercial ventures in residential neighborhoods.

Louise Jarvis, Owen Sound



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