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According to the Sun Times, the Fraser Institute says that the average Canadian family is paying 43.1% of its annual income as taxes which go to support the government.
In fact taxes are our share of...
Dear Editor: So, it looks as though Jody Wilson-Raybould was right after all. Mr Trudeau and his fellow lobbyists did indeed apply undue pressure to the Attorney General, pushing her to ...
Dear Bill,
We know you are a great supporter of Mental Health Services in Grey and Bruce Counties. A few days ago you spoke at the opening of the Labyrinth by the Canadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce. This event also was to remind all of us...
Dear Editor:
I am embarrassed! The city council members I helped elect actually refused to answer a legitimate question during question period at last Monday's meeting. The question only required a yes/no answer, but the Mayor dismissed the question and the woman ...
Re: Vandalism against Owen Sound Mosque
First of all I want to express my sympathy to the Islamic Community in Owen Sound whose mosque has being vandalized twice last week. This also has happened at a time where racist Neo Nazi stickers are found on posts around the city. These events are very....
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