

What's on your mind?

The Hub would love to hear from you. Email your letters, articles, photos, drawings, cartoons, YouTube or Vimeo links to owensoundhub@gmail.com.


ripped88smallRe: Calling out racism and hate , July 9

Racists, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, are cowards and bullies - now, just as in 1939, when Canada went to war to oppose them.

They prey on...

plastic bagWe are a group of local citizens, along with the Owen Sound Waste Watchers, concerned about single use plastics such as grocery and produce bags, and their devastating impact on our environment.

We have recently learned that a Port Elgin grocer has responded to community pressure to...

giving handAnother great Canada Day weekend is well behind us. There were wonderful events in many communities around the Owen Sound area all celebrating this great country that we live in. It is appropriate for us to celebrate because we do live in a wonderfully safe, resource-rich and beautiful...

Speakers corner01June 23, 2019


We have now initiated Our Outdoor FREE Shelter in ...

parliamentThere's no doubt some would prefer there be no pipeline expansion. But an equal number would prefer there be twice as many, with tankers wending their way through the Douglas Channel in B.C.

So the job of government in a complex federation is to thread through the various competing interests. To find a middle path...


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