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deadcanaryIn 2009, as chair of the Federation of Ontario Public Libraries, I issued a statement which illustrated the idea that public libraries do not operate in isolation (inter library loans) and that public libraries are more than books.

As point of measurement of societal and economic trends, libraries are like canaries...

beer bottles 3151245 960 720Dear Editor
I read the article “Huron-Bruce MPP explains thinking on 9 a.m. drinking”. To no one’s surprise this announcement seems to be a marquee item for both Thompson and Walker, who appeared in the same photo.

Drinking by 9 a.m., buck a beer,...

meafordlibrarybooksDear Editor,

Regarding announced cuts by the Ford Conservative Government to Ontario Public Library Funding: As a Toronto Councillor, Doug Ford said he'd close public libraries in his ward "in a heartbeat". He told Margaret Atwood he would only listen to her opinion if...

librarycardI don’t often write about political issues, however, today I’m willing to make an exception.

Reports in the media advise that Southern and Northern Ontario Library Services are facing a 50 per cent budget cut from the province. Tourism, Culture and Sport Minister Michael Tibollo has defended the cuts, saying...

beachtractorMs. Jackson.

With regard to the Ford government’s plan to gut the Endangered Species Act, I feel you and your colleagues are complicit in this short-sighted plan that will affect all the species at risk for the WHOLE of Ontario.

Your actions in...


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