

What's on your mind?

The Hub would love to hear from you. Email your letters, articles, photos, drawings, cartoons, YouTube or Vimeo links to owensoundhub@gmail.com.


welcomeI am writing to congratulate all of you on your recent election success and for your willingness to step into the arena of public service to our city.

Being a municipal councillor is tough. You will work through lengthy council meetings and committee meetings and be expected to respond quickly to constituents and attend hearings and media events – all for a very modest paycheck. I appreciate your courage and your investment, and I believe ...

bill23protestToday, Friday, an intrepid group of about 25 Grey Bruce residents led by Stephanie Warner and Jeanette Parry from the Beaver Valley, assembled in front of the office of MPP Rick Byers to protest the impending passage of Bill 23. Intrepid because, as you know, Mother Nature dumped 15 cm of snow on us overnight – it was cold out there!

Our message was clear, as indicated by ...

Council Chambers– by Jim Hutton

In my previous correspondence I outlined the magnitude of the challenges facing you in this new term. For the past 20 years previous councils allowed city expenses to incrementally grow at a rate well above inflation to a point where they are now disproportionately high relative to our population ...

Danuta Michael ByersLetter leadinDear Rick Byers, MPP BGOS

RE: Bill 23 and accompanying proposed policy changes

It has been established by the Ontario Housing Affordability Task Force Report (2022) that we do not need to sacrifice farmland and natural areas to address the housing crisis ...

CUPE1176Flag 04Nov22 04 HubPremier Doug Ford's pre-emptive use of the Charter's notwithstanding clause to override basic human rights protections, nullify collective agreements and unilaterally impose employment conditions on the province's union-represented workers sparked a visceral response of solidarity from the labour movment, forcing a repositioning of the government's negotiating stance.

Notwithstanding the need for workers to make a living wage, Doug Ford blinked, writes David McLaren:


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