

What's on your mind?

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pewOwen Sound is not alone regarding the housing crisis in Ontario. One aspect that never seems to be considered is the role ‘Places of Worship’ play in this.

All religious institutions in the province enjoy a tax free exemption at all levels of government and have done so for over a century. What ever happened to ...

GreyHighlandsMunicipalLeague logoThe Grey Highlands Municipal League reports on voter turnout so far with six days remaining until election day next Monday ...

tsp logo sq 140Do voters have to choose among urgent priorities when choosing their candidates?  

What voter wants to put affordable housing before food security before economic development or a thriving agricultural sector? And who wants to put any of those before the need to address the climate crisis?  

Maybe we don’t have to choose ...

peoplemixedI am so grateful for the people who have let their names stand to serve as mayor, deputy mayor, councillor or school board trustee in our city.

I hope the expanded options for casting votes will result in more residents participating ...

Sue selfie October 17 2022This has been an interesting election campaign for me. I had bilateral knee surgery on the 9th of September so I have not been able to get out to speak to you by going door to door. I did manage to attend all three events put on where the public could ask questions and get answers so I thought I would share the links to the two events that were publicized.


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