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freedom-united-states-of-america-flag-america-largeYou may have noticed that the United States of America is having an election. You may have also noticed that the campaign for the presidency has descended to the lowest form of fear-mongering, hate-inspiring, juvenile, falsified, disrespectful, conspiracy theory fuelling circus.

At first it was mildly amusing and I will admit that watching the news was, for a while, a guilty pleasure, kind of like watching The Kardashians or Honey Boo-Boo. It was easy to just pass it off as Americans being.....

oliphantI would like to respond to a letter that Larry Miller M.P. submitted to The Hub on August 20, 2016.
I agree with conservation is necessary but I also feel we need to do it together. First Nation Commercial Fishers and recreational fishers need to stop pointing fingers at each other and work on conserving our precious resource for future generations. I think education is key. I know there are many myths...

mnrtruckA reply to Mr Miller "CO harasses family fishing" in Sun Times, Aug. 23)

I am in full agreement with Mr Miller, MP, who exposed the ridiculous harassment of a law abiding family by the (Ministry of Natural Resources) MNR's Conservation Officer. I do not think this was a mistake, it is a rather "normal" behavior of too many MNR officers.
Five years ago, MNR found me , a former national and world kayak and canoe champion, "kayaking not...

ElectricMeterI recently read in the media that 60.000 Ontario families have been cut off from electricity service because they cannot afford the ever rising cost. The added cost of the "green" energy initiatives is 9.2 billions, according to the Auditor General Bonnie Lysyk .

I want to add how little – close to nothing – are we getting from this huge investment.

While writing this note a day ago, on a hot , sunny summer day, I punched "IESO HOME" and found the

Grayer2We have heard a lot of anger and frustration over local schools being closed. I understand the lost history when a school closes, but they are operating at far from full capacity. Schools are closing in many towns across the province. It's been happening for years. Students in northern Ontario have lost their local schools and have to bus more than an hour to get to the new amalgamated school.

But is the amalgamation of half empty schools really the issue? Should we not be talking about how to...


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