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vote-featureThere is a case study for high school students that goes like this. A class rep is elected on the promise that she will vote a certain way on an issue that is before student council. However, once...

candleflamesOne year ago, three worship groups welcomed the Hawash Al Nasser family to Grey Bruce. We were overjoyed meeting and getting to know Haider and Fadia and the children Mohamed, Noura, Qassem and Ibrahim. It has been a wonderful year.

During that time we have shared much amongst our groups---joys and sorrows, theirs and ours--and have become friends.

The St. George's Anglican Church family, joins with the caring, rational and loving people, here and abroad, to express our ...

OSCOCDear Editor,

I am writing on behalf of the Owen Sound and District Chamber of Commerce to express our strong support for the Op-ed commentary entitled Fire Raises Unsustainable made by Owen Sound Mayor Ian Boddy in the January 17 issue of the Sun Times. The sub title to the Mayor's remarks is "Fire services are pushing Owen Sound's budget and future out of balance" and in our view this is exactly correct because of the continuing and escalating ...

dearmrmiller-fullDear Mr. Miller
I'm a constituent of Grey-Bruce-Owen Sound.
I'm writing concerning the Keystone pipeline plans and the recent actions taken by the US federal government regarding the DAPL. On January 24, 2017, Pres. Donald Trump signed an order to proceed with the building of the Dakota Access Pipeline, citing that the Keystone pipeline was 'a go'.
It's been reported that Donald Trump owned (and currently still holds) shares in the [companies building] DAPL, and that...

pigtroughIn my opinion our society places too much emphasis on having a job. Here is an allegory that points to a better way.

Imagine ten piggies and a trough that has more than enough food for all but with only enough room for eight piggies to get their heads in, thus leaving two piggies running around the perimeter squealing piteously. However, the eight piggies, liking the extra food and the prestige attached thereto are unwilling to give up their spot. The thing to do of course is have a separate trough for the two piggies but...


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