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I have been keeping somewhat abreast of the bullying allegations before council and I find some disturbing things circling around the situation.

1. No matter who makes the allegations, it needs to be addressed. Does anyone think that a person sat down one night and conjured this up out of thin air and thought.. I think I will cause a whole bunch of trouble and start false accusations.

2. Council should read the proper steps for bullying. If you think you have been bullied or bullying is present – SPEAK UP – SPEAK OUT ask the bully to stop. In fact it was brought to council attention before the public and nothing was done.

3. Our Mayor and some council try to keep this under wraps – and lecture the person or persons bringing this forward about procedure and protocol. The same people who outright ignored a COVID 19 protocol.

4. Our mayor and some council do not support a public forum. Let me say this PUBLIC OFFICE -- not private office. It is the public who has their money on the table. It is the public who pays your salary for the year, so yes the public has a right to know everything, no reason to cover things up or keep them hidden

5 .One person’s opinion is said a lot – maybe that person’s opinion is correct and your opinion is wrong.

Council please act the same way you did when you were looking to get my vote. Act professional and open minded.

Ken Schneider

photo: Owen Sound City Council meeting, September 14, 2020







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