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Last October, the people of Owen Sound indicated that the status quo was no longer sustainable and elected a new Mayor and a majority of new Councilors. Their vote was a clear endorsement of the view that the growth in property taxes and user fees must be constrained. The public's frustration with lack of a plan and consequent action to hold the line on costs was clear.
The first municipal budget approved by the new Council saw an increase in property taxes similar to prior years. Because of budget timing, this Council had very little ability to limit tax increases. Next year's budget will tell us whether they heard the voters.
The winter just ending has been difficult and costly, and the City has appealed to the Provincial Government for financial assistance. However, there is no assurance that assistance is forthcoming, and this winter's bills will be paid long before any aid money arrives. Hence the taxpayer remains at increased risk.
In recent conversations with residents of neighboring municipalities, their feedback regarding their living outside Owen Sound was that our taxes are too high If our taxes are too high for them, they are certainly too high for us. While these neighboring residents object to our high taxes, they find it useful to be able to work in Owen Sound and take advantage of our infrastructure. On occasion, they also give us advise on how to spend our money. If you can use some else's money, why not.
In the present debate regarding Brannington Grove, the preservation proposals will rely on the Council being willing to forgo tax dollar growth. Their commitment to preservation would mean a lot more if they were able to attract private partner funds to the preservation. Perhaps Brannington Grove can be rehabilitated by local foundations for their office space?
The capacity of our City to fund projects is severely constrained. We need to help Council to recognize this and require that people who are looking for taxpayer support also demonstrate they have secured matching private partner support.

Ted Renner
Owen Sound


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