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It’s not respectful to celebrate a country that is responsible for the countless deaths and cultural genocide of Indigenous peoples.
Considering these bodies are just now being found, it is not an appropriate time to celebrate.Indigenous people were forced to assimilate into this society. Their children were ripped away from their families, (which still happens today with CAS, and in recent history it was the 60’s scoop.)

They were forced off of their lands and onto reserves. Treaties have been ignored. Why would you think it’s appropriate to ask Indigenous people to celebrate a country that has treated them so horrifically? Why would you ask others to celebrate and ignore those who are mourning?

And no, we cannot celebrate and mourn at the same time. If you are celebrating, it’s not because you love your country and the people who live here; it’s because you don’t care about the first peoples of this land and feel entitled to continue colonialist traditions, in spite of those in mourning.

Kait Dickinson

imae used with permission of the artist




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