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Dear City of Owen Sound,

Your words are Most Powerful  - “Break The Bias/Equality & Inclusion”.

I do understand how agencies/promoting departments utilize ‘Stock Pics’ for imagery on their sites.

OSbreakthebias Equally, I imagine; within the ‘choices’ of images offered, one has many choices to choose-the most reflective image withIn their ‘marketed’ agenda.

Here is a thing: Upon ‘initial’ glance; One ‘SEES’ Beautiful and Young and Thin and White women only!

On its own merit, the picture of these Beautiful & Young & Thin & White Women IS quite beautiful.

It presents a dreamy &  hopeful & care-free feeling which is grounded in beauty of flowers and an open blue-sky and warmth of season.

At this point, you (The Reader) may have began pondering where is this white and middle-aged woman wishing to take the point!?

Down to the point: Dear Owen Sound City, You #hash-tagged your message as ‘Being’ #Inclusive & #BreakingtheBias &#Women and  offered an invite for “Help” towards  breaking down the bias and inclusion and equiity.

Hence rests the issue. Do you not see?

Honorata Jones, Owen Sound





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