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Dear Editor

Canada is a crack addict and has been since day one. As with all addicts we will have to wait until we hit bottom before we agree to go into rehab. The crack I am refering to is our natural resources. When things get tough we flail around to find another resource to exploit. In this area we brag to tourists (and ourselves) about all the barrels of fish that were caught and processed and sent someplace else. We brag about all the trees we cut down and processed and sent someplace else. We then brag about the huge slash fires that raged. When we had ripped all we could from this place we moved on to somewhere else.
The crack also refers to taking full advantage of our good credit. We are like the fiddling grasshopper who lived in the moment and did not prepare himself for winter. Hitting bottom will only arrive when voters come to their senses and start to think like ants. Politicians do not lead. They only get in front of whichever way the wind is blowing. As Pogo said, "We have met the enemy and he is us."

Bill Moses

Owen Sound



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