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Sue selfie October 17 2022

This has been an interesting election campaign for me. I had bilateral knee surgery on the 9th of September so I have not been able to get out to speak to you by going door to door. I did manage to attend all three events put on where the public could ask questions and get answers so I thought I would share the links to the two events that were publicized.

Sept 27th IVDAARA Meet and Greet the Candidates at Kemble United Church. Thank you to all who came out to hear the candidates, for those who could not be there watch the Ratepayers meeting here is the link to the recorded video. Island View Ratepayers - YouTube

​October 4th All Candidates Debate hosted by the Owen Sound District Chamber of Commerce. Following is the link to the online recording:  Georgian Bluffs All Candidates Meeting | Rogers TV - YouTube

Rogers TV Grey County also has links to recordings of each candidate who chose to make use of their offer as well as a debate between the three mayoral candidates hosted by Dave Carr.  

I also have a Facebook page with information at Sue Carleton for Mayor of Georgian Bluffs and a website with information at www.suecarleton.ca.

If you have any questions or concerns or want to see what I believe in for Georgian Bluffs, please contact me through the website where my email and phone number are displayed. And I would like to thank everyone who helped get my signs out and delivered post cards. Without all of you I could not have gotten this far. So, from the bottom of my heart, I thank all of you.  

And finally, I urge all eligible voters in Georgian Bluffs to take advantage of your right to vote and have a say in the future of our wonderful community. Phone-in and internet voting are currently available with in-person voting starting on the 19th at various locations. Check www.georgianbluffs.ca for updated information about locations.  

Sue Carleton, Georgian Bluffs

Sue Carleton is a candidate for mayor in the Township of Georgian Bluffs




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