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homeless jesus 36

Seems to me that a complicated issue like homelessness demands both short and long term approaches. Neither can be ignored if we really want to address, and eventually eliminate, the tragic realities of homelessness and hunger.

Short term solutions are crucial. Having our neighbors freeze or starve to death this winter can obviously not be tolerated. The need is immediate and does require interventions like “cots on the floor”, Out of the Cold programs, food baskets, drop-ins, community dinners, etc.

The United Way, Safe and Sound, and O’Share, are busy – it’s incredible how much life-saving work these organizations are currently doing.

The most important long term solution I can imagine is the Universal Basic Income. Everyone who brings in less than $–????– per year, gets an amount equal
to, or greater than, the amount required by the cost of living in that jurisdiction.

There are likely better ways to redistribute the wealth. Am I naive in thinking that this solution could be cost effective as well as compassionate?

Implementing a universal income would demand political will, restructuring the budget, attitude change, and compassion, and since our current powers that be do not appear to prioritize those positions, I have lost confidence that this will happen in my lifetime.

Nevertheless, there are a few actions we can take now. We can make donations, sign petitions, and vote – support candidates who share our goals. Bandaids you say, but it appears to be what we’ve got.

Your better ideas are so welcome. Please convince me that there are other doable long term solutions.

Terri Hope, Owen Sound







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