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Jon Farmer WEB 8962

When I filed my nomination papers in July I hoped that the campaign would give me an opportunity to talk both about the things I love about Owen Sound and the ways that municipal government could help us to better address our challenges. Many of our challenges – housing scarcity, an affordability crisis, infrastructure deficits, financial constraints, the drug poisoning epidemic, managing growth, and the climate crisis – are so great that they demand new and deeper collaboration. I have had hundreds of conversations during this campaign that proved that people in Owen Sound care about our community and want to see it at its best. We want our neighbours to be housed, fed, have appropriate income, be able to get around safely, and enjoy the pleasures of life. We want to feel safe and be able to live well here. I’m excited that the next four years will give us the chance to have countless more conversations about how we make that possible and to support solutions.

My goal is that at the end of this Council term a greater number of Owen Sound residents are aware of and feel engaged with the work of City Council, that they understand how and why decisions were made, had an opportunity to provide input, and feel hopeful about the City’s support of our community.

That said, I know that the next four years will have a lot to teach me. I look forward to learning and working alongside the new Council, the City staff, and the many passionate organizations and individuals committed to making Owen Sound the best place that it can be.

To all of my fellow candidates and everyone who got involved with a municipal campaign this year, thank you. We are privileged to have so many people willing to dedicate so much of themselves over so many months so that we can all exercise the right to vote.

I owe an incredible debt of personal thanks to the many people who supported my campaign. From the voters and folks who took the time to attend events or ask questions online, to the volunteers who helped me to create materials and knocked on doors with me (often in the rain) to hand them out, and the folks who hosted conversations, donated to the campaign, and encouraged their friends to pay attention and vote. I wouldn’t have been able to do this alone; thank you.

I especially need to thank my partner Brianna for her support. Without her advice, her work behind the scenes, and her care for our child it would have been impossible for me to knock on so many doors, meet so many folks, and spread the conversation in all the ways I was able to.

As the election wraps up and the new council settles in, I know that it is unrealistic to promise immediate or far reaching changes to the status quo. Change takes time and I have a lot to learn . But I can promise you that I will do my best and that I will advocate for deeper public engagement; more comprehensive accounting of financial, social, and environmental considerations; and multi-solving approaches in all that the City does.

I am honoured by this result and I look forward to working with you,





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