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Sue selfie October 17 2022

- Sue Carleton, Mayor Elect 

I would like to thank everyone who voted for me in this election, your support means a lot to me. It also humbles me that so many believe in me and think that I can be the right person for the job. I will do my very best.

I believe in Georgian Bluffs and the people who live here. We have some big projects that need to be taken care of in this term such as the Pottawatomi water system, how can we ensure the residents of this community have sufficient potable water with good pressure. All water systems need to be looked at to find ways to decrease costs for residents if at all possible.

The BioDigester, what will be our best option for this facility that best benefits Georgian Bluffs and the Township of Chatsworth. Council in this past term requested that staff bring forward a report to the new council about the options so that they would start with the best information possible to make the best decision for the joint municipalities.

Roads and infrastructure will always be a concern that we will keep working on. Drainage in the village of Kemble, important that we get the spring runoff in the village controlled so that no one gets flooded out again. Staff are working diligently on this now.

Georgian Bluffs is made up of many small communities and I feel it is important that we help strengthen those communities by investing in the facilities in Kemble and Kilsyth. Shallow Lake has a wonderful facility already, although I think there is more we could do there as well. Implementing and expanding on our recently created Recreation and Trails Master Plan would be a start on this.

I would also like us to celebrate and share our history and heritage. Promote Georgian Bluffs as a great place to visit and to live.

I also think it is important that we hear from, listen to, and involve our residents, what do you want, what do you need, what is your vision for Georgian Bluffs? How can we work together to accomplish this?

And I am thankful for the members of council who were elected with me. We have a great group, and I am seriously looking forward to working with everyone. Together we will make a great team.

Thank you to everyone who voted and please stay connected with all of us.



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