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An open letter to Larry Miller:

Dear Mr. Miller,
Please help me understand something.

I've just read in the Sun Times (Sat. Sept. 5) that it is "clear to Scott Boyes, CEO of the Canadian Bioceutical Corp.", that the current Conservative Government "doesn't want anyone producing medicinal marijuana". They are now considering scaling back their plans.

Mr. Boyes has stated that the proposed plant would produce up to 100 full time jobs. An empty factory would be refitted and occupied. Their operation would add to our tax base, and best of all, make the medication more available to those who need it. In so many ways, this project would serve to boost our local economy.

Do you somehow believe that this is about hippies smoking pot behind the school gym? Are you worried that being prescribed medical marijuana would inevitably lead to a life of crime? Do you really oppose marijuana in any of its forms, no matter how beneficial it appears to be for some people?

Most important, how is it possible that your government, and especially you as Member of Parliament for this riding, could be opposed to the obvious benefits this manufacturing plant would bring to our area?

But maybe I am missing something. Mr. Miller, please help us to understand why, in light of the obvious benefits, you wouldn't be assisting this manufacturer rather than blocking him? I look forward to your reply.

Terri Hope,

Owen Sound


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