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Councillors in the Municipality of Meaford are working hard to understand the implications of the possible placement of a cell tower disguised as a flag pole at our beautiful harbour.

Todd White, Executive Director of Canadian Radio-communications and Notification Service (CRINS), organized and professional, shared several facts with Council at its June 9th meeting. Three stood out to me:

1) Children's skulls are thinner than those of adults and therefore they are more susceptible to radio-frequency (RF) electromagnetic energy. The safety standards were designed for the 'average' adult (170 lbs. & six feet tall).

2) Health Canada's Safety Code 6 recommended limits for safe human exposure to RF electromagnetic energy has recently been enhanced and in 20 years' time we may have a very different perspective on the dangers of microwave radiation and human health.

3) A percentage of our population have a sensitivity to the RF electromagnetic field created by cell towers. It's just as real as bee sting reactions.

From the facts shared by Todd White I'm wondering:

1) If a grandparent knows the RF dangers to their grandchild; why would they expose them to the RF risk of a cell tower at the harbour? If a parent doesn't know the risks, is it our job as a healthy, caring community to protect them?

2) If Safety Code 6 has been reassessed once and been found wanting (worst in the world), do we wait another 20 years to find out just how dangerous cell-tower radiation was to our community's children? Or, do we think ahead, block the proposed site and go through the Impasse Process with Industry Canada? The longer we delay the process the more likely the broadband option (much safer) will be available.

3) Do we forget about our responsibility to the people in our municipality who have electro hypersensitivity disorder? It is estimate that 2% of the population have RF electromagnetic sensitivity, around 220 souls in the municipality. Or, do we stick together, protect our children and the medically sensitive and say no to a cell tower in town?

It may be hard for some citizens and councillors to believe that as a community we can challenge and reverse what is presented as inevitable. But, we can.

As I watch our Councillors struggle with this 21st Century problem, my hope is that they will leave no child or immune compromised person behind, be patient and wait for broadband technology. It's almost here.

Lindy Iversen



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