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Dear Editor,

Democracy has officially died in Canada.
According to a recent Toronto Star article, the Harper government has forbidden its MPs to talk to any media or take part in any all-candidates meetings. The senior party officials feel that that is not a good use of a candidate's time and that they should be knocking on doors to explain their "wonderful economic plan and tax breaks''.
I, for one, don't buy the reasoning. They are not allowed to talk to the media or attend debates because they have sold us down the river and they have never had an economic plan. Unless it is the one where we put all the eggs into one basket, that being oil, and the bottom fell out and the eggs are smashed. And heaven forbid anybody ask them embarrassing questions about the economy, the environment, the Trans Pacific Partnership [whose terms are still a big secret], The state of Veteran's affairs, [the Conservatives are actually advertising to get some vets for a photo op with the PM], Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, The Senate scandal, the Duffy trial, the broken relationship with First Nations, our dismal Foreign Affairs policies,fake balanced budget etc. etc. The list is endless.
I suggest we all call Mr. Miller's office and complain. This is not how Democracy works and our MP should be reminded of that fact.

Sherry Hutchison,

Georgian Bluffs



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