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Dear Mayor Michi and Members of the Town of South Bruce Peninsula Council:

I am a shared owner of two properties on the Sauble River. I have been fortunate to be a member of a family that has spent time at Sauble Beach for about ninety years.

I am writing to Council to strongly urge the Town of South Bruce Peninsula to do the right thing, and NOT appeal this court decision.

Many of us never agreed with the town's position on this matter. In my personal view, the previous town council, by its actions, worked to undermine the position (and willingness to negotiate) of the Saugeen First Nation, in rejecting a tentative agreement reached between Saugeen First Nation and an earlier town council.

Mayor Michi quite rightly committed, during the last municipal election, to “decrease consultant and legal fees” and “to re-establish a positive working relationship with our Indigenous Communities; Chippewas of Saugeen First Nation & Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation, Neyaashiinigmiing”.

Local voters supported these options in choosing Mr Michi as our new Mayor.

This is the current Council’s opportunity to take a stand on a very important issue. By NOT appealing the recent court decision, Council will be matching Mayor Michi’s campaign words with action, to the benefit of everyone in this region, including year-round residents, cottagers and First Nations people.

As a town taxpayer, and more importantly, as someone who has benefitted in sharing in the beauty of this land all my life, I want the town to work with Saugeen First Nation to bring about a real "reconciliation" that has been slow in coming, and is long overdue.

Thank you for listening.


Rob Rolfe




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