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Dear Mayor Michi and Council

I wish to say that I am pleased that there has finally been a ruling by Justice Vella regarding the boundary claim brought forward by Saugeen First Nation at Sauble Beach. I commend you for taking the time needed to meet with your legal counsel to read and understand all that this ruling entails.

Though our personal properties at Sauble Beach are not directly affected by this decision, it is not lost on me that we have been extremely privileged to enjoy the beauty of Sauble for five generations on traditional Saugeen First Nation territory along the Sauble River.

I urge you, Mayor Michi and Council, to study and understand all the ramifications of this decision, but NOT to appeal and spend more in taxpayer dollars. Accept the decision gracefully and understand the importance of this momentous decision for our First Nations neighbours. It is the start of long overdue reconciliation. Negotiations will be complex and perhaps difficult, but they are not insurmountable.

Again, it is my wish that you do not appeal. The beach itself is going nowhere and reconciliation with a view to the future will allow its beauty to still be enjoyed for generations to come.

Thank you.

Ann Rolfe



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