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Misconceptions, Misinformation, And The Light At The End Of The Tunnel

Recently Owen Sound has been hit with a decision from the school board that some are having a hard time swallowing. While others seem to be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel, there are many who feel the loss is too much to handle. The decision is to merge the two high schools into the WHSS building, "The school is to be renamed soon", ending the run of both OSCVI and WHSS as two of our town's three high schools.
When making a decision about the future of these schools it's important it's done without putting too much weight into the emotion that is connected to the names that are on the side of the buildings. The most important thing is which option is going to offer the students a deeper and more diverse curriculum.
I am writing this to clear up some of the misconception and misinformation that is going around. In hopes of clearing up some of the grey clouds that some people seem to have floating over them.
The first misconception is "the option that was passed wasn't brought up until the 11th hour, or six weeks before the final decision". But the truth is it has been on the table the whole time. In the 2014-15 school year OSCVI and WHSS students were consulted on what they wanted to see happen, the option to merge both high schools into the WHSS location was on that list of options the students could choose from. I have also found that this option is shown on the notes from the January 7th, 2016 accommodation review meeting. It can be found here on the Board website.

Second, "it would be better if all the students were to be moved to the OSCVI campus instead of the one at WHSS". The reason that this option doesn't work is because OSCVI only offers enough space for 957 students while WHSS offers enough for 1194 students. Seeing as the number of students attending high school next year is projected to be between 1250-1300, it would be almost impossible to squeeze them all into the OSCVI building. It can easily be done at WHSS with the additions of 3-4 portables that were there 10 years ago when enrolment numbers were the same as they will be next year. To add to this, OSCVI only has one shop room "wood shop" and one gym while WHSS has 4 shop rooms "wood, metal, auto, and electronics" and two gyms. Yes parking is an issue at WHSS but this has been looked into already and a solution is in the works.
Third is "the option to add grade 7 & 8 students to the existing high schools would have been a better solution". This option does work for now but isn't a long term fix unfortunately, and is more of just a bandaid fix. There are approximately 450 students attending OSCVI. Adding the grade 7-8 students will bring the final enrolment number to just about 80% capacity, which just meets the final goal set out by provincial standards. However, this option doesn't offer the same funding as the single high school model does, so the same patchy curriculum would be offered. As 2 or 3 years pass by and the number of students continues to drop, we will find ourselves in the same dilemma brought on by low enrolment, leaving us to having to merge the high schools. Sometimes it's easier to just rip the bandaid off rather then slowly remove it.
The fourth misconception, and the one people seem to be having the hardest time understanding is that, "All these builds will raise our tax money and cause "us" to go more in debt." This simply isn't true and seems to resemble a scare tactic. The money used for school builds/renovations comes from grants from the provincial government. Each year a certain amount of money is set aside and given out to the best applicants. Either way this money gets spent. Either it's here in Owen Sound or it is in another town or city. I for one am happy to finally see some of our tax money coming back to Owen Sound instead of it going to the same big cities.
The fifth and last misconception, and probably the one I find most troubling is people believing that somehow all this negativity about the merger is in a way helping the students who will be affected by it. Most people are out there focusing on getting petitions signed and getting the decision delayed. There are others who have already started the merger and are trying to strengthen the ties between the students. Whether it be the two schools meeting for the boys and girls rugby matches on a cold and rainy Wednesday afternoon with both teams sporting blue and red face paint, with the bleachers full of students and parents freezing but cheering on both teams. Or the OSCVI boys field lacrosse team coming to WHSS after school for joint practices. Or both teams switching jerseys while at a field lacrosse tournament out of town. There are people and students out there trying to make the best of a hard situation. These are the actions that are going to help make it a smooth transition; not the negative misinformed narrative of generations past scared they might lose their heritage.
In conclusion as the name of our new high school gets chosen and the mascot and school colours get revealed, I beg to the opposition to look at the light at the end of the tunnel. Try and stay positive about a tough situation. There are positives. The students will all finally be offered a full curriculum, with 24 new course options for next year. They will all have the opportunity to make new friends and relationships that may last a life time, as well as being able to start a new legacy at a new school that will go on for another 160 years. And lastly they will have the knowledge that a little speed bump isn't going slow them down, and as things get hard later in life they will know they have what it takes to make it out the other side.

Stay positive,
Alexis Gail
Owen Sound


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