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Dear Editor,
The following is a consolidation of comments and suggestions made to Meaford Council members and Meaford Library Board members as input to the dialogue regarding the future of library services in Meaford and Owen Sound, and specifically the library card holders of Sydenham who currently use OSNGUPL.

The first step towards improving relations is to change the mindset. Stop thinking of the Meaford Library and the Owen Sound Library as competing services.

They are and must be considered complementary services. How nice it would be if as a result of these discussions it would be possible if a holder of a library card from either library would be able to enter and use the service of the library they are closest to on any given day.

This would be a first easy step towards complete integration of library services across Grey County.

1. I believe very strongly that you are wasting time and resources in trying to obtain detailed statistics on service usage.

The only statistic that is meaningful is the number of residents who currently hold an active library card. You already have that data.

When I go to the library to take out a book I may also read a paper, consult the title/author database, go to the reference area to get information about a trip I am planning, take my computer to download a file because my service at home is too slow etc.
I might even buy Garbage collection stickers for my Monday collection.
None of these services will ever show up on any file of record.
Yet they are all useful and necessary services.

The idea of studying the usage of service is a red herring and nothing more than a delaying tactic to provide and excuse for not proceeding with a contract.
As you mention, library card number are tracked annually and a rolling three year average is used. I wonder how willing you would have been to offer to work a contract based on current numbers had the trend been on the rise rather than on the fall.

The idea of proceeding with a one year contract makes no progress and simply leaves both parties at loggerheads to go through the same series of discussions/arguments next year

2. It is hardly surprising that Operating Costs have risen across the course of years since 2008 and that Meaford's (Sydenham Users') share should rise as a result.
How much have my overall Property Taxes paid to Meaford risen in the same timeframe with NO increase in service level (Repeat NO INCREASE IN SERVICES).
The proportionate increase in fees payable to OSNGUPL by Meaford is tiny compared to the overall increase in my Taxes.

3. It seems highly likely that there are many places where the Meaford Budget can be made more efficient to the tune of many thousands of dollars rather than trying to trim a few hundred dollars off the library services bill.

The funding formula has served well for 15 years. It is a fair funding arrangement given that it is adjusted based on the actual number of library cards that are renewed on an annual basis.

This funding formula will continue to serve satisfactorily without causing budget problems for at least the next 2 to 5 years while a longer term approach is put in place.

The solution to the longer term arrangement is also painfully obvious given the plans of Meaford Council.
The Meaford Library Board needs to adjust its focus to spend its efforts on the long term solution rather than arguing about funding in the short term.

In April of this year a plan was announced to spend over $20M on the building of a new Meaford High School complete with State of the Art facilities.
This will no doubt include a library.

When the library is designed it should include capacity to include the books and services of the existing Meaford Library.
The new library should be set up with appropriate software that is agreeable to both the Meaford Library and the Owen sound Library such that, in effect the two libraries become one service with two centres.

There would thus be a sharing of facilities and staff between the school and the library service. This would alleviate the need for further consideration of a separate stand alone building to house a Meaford Library.

Further, it would cause the residents of Meaford to take a greater interest in their local High School and the events that take place there. This would in turn likely cause Meaford residents to hold some of their events on school premises.

This is a win win solution for everyone and would be a great basis from which to start the formulation of a Grey County wide library service that improves services to all residents.

4. I suggest that you accept the inevitable and allow the 5 year contract that was in place to continue.
In the remaining time that is left in that contract you should devote your time, effort and expertise to the much more useful concept of figuring out how Library Services in Grey County can be brought up to those of our neighbouring County of Bruce.
This would be a much more useful and constructive action that I encourage you to pursue.

Stephen Brockhouse


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