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To say that I am disappointed about the latest news of electoral reform being abandoned is an understatement. People's democratic rights and where they choose to put their votes is something to be respected and not taken lightly. Do you realize how many Grey-Bruce voters put a lot on the line in this past election, not being able to vote from their hearts but voting strategically for you, with hopes of getting some different representation for GBOS? People put their trust in you, because it was promised that 2015 would be the last "first past the post" election in Canada. It was a cornerstone of the Liberal platform. I put in a lot of time supporting Kimberley Love's campaign, because I TRUSTED her message. Being lied to and deceived that way feels sickening, like a punch to the stomach. BGOS Liberals: Even though you didn't win this riding, you are not off the hook on this one. We, the people of Bruce-Grey Owen Sound DESERVE a statement on your part, to let us know what you, the local Liberal representatives are going to do to stand up to Trudeau and hold him accountable on his promise. We are waiting.

Lauren Jewell

Owen Sound


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