

What's on your mind?

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In response to the Hub's question ...what shall we do to encourage people to come to Owen Sound?

What I would like to see happen, there is so much. .. I would have liked to see the rails stay, however they are gone and very unlikely they will be back. I do agree we need to stop putting large eyesore buildings on the waterfront. It should be for all to enjoy. Since manufacturing is not growing but some is still here, we need to make sure they stay! Let's embrace what we do have.

What about a ten day harbour festival two weekends and the full week in between? Get the tall ships in. Incorporate all of downtown; perhaps the shopkeepers would dress and decorate in the style of the early days when the shores were booming here - buskers of all kinds, caricatures - there are enormous possibilities.

It's been a dream of mine to build a Waterpark where Russell Brothers factory was - indoor and outdoor. Making the beach area open to all. Some small wooden cabins. A lodge. Canoe rentals.... I could go on. .. further embracing what we have.

Many places under 100,000 don't have a daily paper or radio station, and we have more than one. Let's expand our college, keep our young here, journalism, broadcasting, all the tech that goes with it.

Since we have so many retirement aged, let's get more into our college in the health field to keep people here and bring them in. Ultra sound, xray. Medical lab tech. It's endless how it could grow and partner more with the hospital. The growth potential is enormous. Since we need the technology in our area encourage a research facility to come in... again the college and hospitals, hospice and retirement homes all benefit.

A year round sports camp facility - we already have camps run a week here and there but it could be easily created and boosted and filled. We have an OHL team - use it to pull them in! As for youth and teenagers, there is plenty for them to do. My youngest is 18 and they have lots to do! Some of it is very expensive but much is affordable or even free.

Let's start a shadowing program for youth with city hall staff. Groups of young students to shadow council, learn and give their input on issues and the future. 

The possibilities are endless... and I could go on. It won't be easy but we need to step up and be active and get our city back and out of the downward spiral it's in.

Don't stand back and say what can my city do for me, but what can I do for my city!

Susan Jones

Owen Sound



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